Deriv Honoured with ‘Best Customer Service’ Award at Global Forex Awards

Deriv’s client–first philosophy earns the 'Best Customer Service' award at the Global Forex Awards, coinciding with its 25th year of empowering traders. 2024 is the year of wins for Deriv, which earlier this year won the ‘Most Trusted Broker’, ‘Best Trading Experience’ (LATAM) 2024, and ‘Best Latam Region Broker’ awards. LIMASSOL, Cyprus, Sept. 13, 2024 […]

‘Best Customer Support’ : le prix du Global Forex Awards qui honore Deriv

La philosophie de Deriv axée sur le client lui vaut le prix ‘Best Customer Support’ au Global Forex Awards, coïncidant ainsi avec la célébration de sa 25e année au service des traders. 2024 est l’année des récompenses pour Deriv, qui, plus tôt dans l’année, a remporté les prix ‘Most Trusted Broker’, ‘Best Trading Experience’ (LATAM) […]

A Deriv foi distinguida com o prémio “Best Customer Support” nos Global Forex Awards

A filosofia da Deriv, centrada no cliente, garantiu–lhe o prémio de “Best Customer Support” nos Global Forex Awards, coincidindo com a celebração dos seus 25 anos a capacitar traders. O ano de 2024 tem sido um ano de grandes conquistas para a Deriv, que, no início do ano, arrecadou os prémios de “Most Trusted Broker”, […]

AI-Media e Speechmatics Anunciam Parceria Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias de Legendagem e de Idiomas

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI–Media – líder global em tecnologia de codificação audiovisual e soluções de transcrição e tradução baseadas em IA, e a Speechmatics – líder de mercado em tecnologia de reconhecimento de fala, anunciaram hoje uma expansão estratégica da sua parceria plurianual para a oferta de novos e […]

AI-Media et Speechmatics annoncent un partenariat stratégique pour faire évoluer les technologies de sous-titrage et de services linguistiques

BROOKLYN, New York, 13 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, leader mondial de la technologie d’encodage audiovisuel et des solutions de transcription et de traduction pilotées par l’IA, et Speechmatics, leader du marché de la technologie de reconnaissance automatique de la parole, annoncent, ce jour, une expansion stratégique de leur partenariat pluriannuel afin de commercialiser […]

AI-Media und Speechmatics geben strategische Partnerschaft zur Entwicklung von Untertitelungs- und Sprachtechnologien bekannt

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, das weltweit führende Unternehmen für audiovisuelle Kodierungstechnologie und KI–gesteuerte Transkriptions– und Übersetzungslösungen, und Speechmatics, das führende Unternehmen für Spracherkennungstechnologie, gaben heute eine strategische Erweiterung ihrer mehrjährigen Partnerschaft bekannt, um neue und bessere KI–gesteuerte Produkte auf den Markt zu bringen. Diese Partnerschaft verbindet die führende Sprach–zu–Text–Technologie von […]

Severe Floods in Nigeria Magnify The Dire Humanitarian Crisis

A village in Nigeria that has been flooded due to the collapse of the Alau dam in Maiduguri. Credit: Esty Sutyoko/OCHA By Oritro KarimUNITED NATIONS, Sep 13 2024 – On Monday, the Alau dam in Maiduguri, Borno State, collapsed, causing flash floods to ravage neighbouring regions in Nigeria. This comes after weeks of torrential rain, […]

AI-Media and Speechmatics Announce Strategic Partnership to Evolve Captioning and Language Services Technologies

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media – the global leader in audiovisual encoding technology and AI–driven transcription and translation solutions, and Speechmatics – the market leader in speech recognition technology, today announce a strategic expansion of their multi–year partnership to deliver new and better AI–driven products to market. This partnership brings together […]

25TH Anniversary Message to the UN: Prioritize the Culture of Peace in its Leadership Agenda

By Anwarul K. ChowdhuryNEW YORK, Sep 13 2024 – This opinion piece is being published exactly on the date when twenty-five years ago today the UN took its most forward-looking stride in ensuring a peaceful planet for all of us since the signing of the Charter of the United Nations in 1945. The UN Charter […]

The Deadly US Weapons of Civilian Destruction

Much of the Gaza Strip has been destroyed in the conflict. Credit: UNRWA By Thalif DeenUNITED NATIONS, Sep 13 2024 – As the devastating 11-month-old conflict in Gaza keeps escalating, with over 41,000 mostly civilian killings, and more than 92,000 Palestinians injured –in retaliation for the 1,200 killings inside Israel last October– the Israelis continue […]

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