Explainer: Why Venezuela Needs To Reduce Its Gas Flaring

This photo of the Caribbean Sea taken in 2021 is the above view of the western side of Venezuela’s Paraguaná Peninsula. The smoke plume running across the middle of the image appears to originate at a gas flare (mechurrio) of the Paraguaná Refinery Complex. Credit: NASA By Margaret LópezCARACAS, Sep 18 2024 – The most […]

Nagorno-Karabakh: One Year After the Ethnic Cleansing

It has been 12 months since Hayk Harutyunyan, a 22-year-old photographer from Nagorno-Karabakh, cleaned his house for the last time and closed the door behind him for good. “Every morning, before I open my eyes, I imagine how wonderful it would be to wake up at home. But once again, I am not there…” Harutyunyan […]

Where Has Poverty Gone?

By Michelle Muschett and Sabina AlkireNEW YORK / OXFORD, UK , Sep 18 2024 – Political polarization, the climate emergency, organized crime, migration, and low economic growth currently dominate the public debate in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and rightly so. However, there is a significant structural challenge to human development and democracy itself […]

11x Obtém Financiamento da Benchmark de US $ 24 milhões para a Série A para a Criação do Futuro do Trabalho Digital

Investimento Irá Acelerar o Desenvolvimento de Trabalhadores Digitais Alimentados por IA e Expansão da Presença Global SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A 11x, uma startup de IA pioneira que está transformando a força de trabalho moderna com trabalhadores digitais autônomos, anunciou hoje o fechamento de uma rodada de financiamento da Série A […]

11x obtient un financement de série A de 24 millions de dollars dirigé par Benchmark pour créer l’avenir du travail numérique

L’investissement permettra d’accélérer le développement des travailleurs numériques alimentés par l’IA et d’étendre l’empreinte mondiale SAN FRANCISCO, 17 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 11x, une startup pionnière en matière d’IA transformant la main–d’œuvre moderne au moyen de travailleurs numériques autonomes, a annoncé aujourd’hui la clôture d’un tour de financement de série A de 24 millions de dollars. […]

11x sichert Serie A-Finanzierungzur Gestaltung der Zukunft der digitalen Arbeit in Höhe von 24 Mio. USD unter Führung von Benchmark

Investition zur Beschleunigung der Entwicklung KI–gestützter digitaler Arbeitskräfte und zur Ausweitung der globalen Präsenz SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 11x, ein bahnbrechendes KI–Startup, das die moderne Arbeitswelt mit autonomen digitalen Arbeitskräften umgestaltet, hat heute den Abschluss einer Serie–A–Finanzierungsrunde in Höhe von 24 Mio. USD bekanntgegeben. Die Runde wurde von Benchmark geleitet, mit […]

To Kill the Future, Zero the Past

Credit: UNRWA By James E. JenningsATLANTA, Georgia, Sep 17 2024 – Today’s weapons are capable of wiping out entire swaths of humanity, demolishing remaining shreds of culture along with them. News coverage of the one-sided Gaza campaign make it plain that’s exactly what’s happening. Destroying the past destroys the future too. The world must band […]

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Worsens While Polio Vaccine Campaign Succeeds

The polio vaccination campaign phase 2, Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip. Credit: UNICEF/Eyad El Baba By Oritro KarimUNITED NATIONS, Sep 17 2024 – Today, the chief of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, confirmed that the first round of Gaza’s polio vaccination campaign had […]

We Stand with the Girls and Women of Afghanistan

Ahead of the 3-year anniversary of ban on girls’ secondary education in Afghanistan. By Yasmine SherifNEW YORK, Sep 17 2024 – Today, we stand with solemn hearts as the world marks this week the three-year ban on girls’ secondary education in Afghanistan. Today and every day, we must stand up for the millions of Afghan […]

ECW Delivers Holistic Education Against All Odds, But More Funding Needed

Students interact with ECW’s Executive Director, Yasmine Sherif, as they participate in an art therapy session at an ECW-supported school in Kyiv, Ukraine. In partnership with UNICEF Ukraine and Caritas Ukraine, the school offers vital mental health and psychosocial support. Credit: ECW By IPS CorrespondentUNITED NATIONS, Sep 17 2024 – Education Cannot Wait (ECW) has […]

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