CGTN, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous-Miscellaneous, New Products/Services, Uncategorized
نشرت شبكة CGTN مقالًا عن جولة الرئيس الصيني Xi Jinping التفقدية في مقاطعة يونان جنوب غرب الصين. يسلط المقال الضوء على مساعي مقاطعة يونان لتحقيق تنمية الريف بجودة فائقة تتماشى مع الظروف المحلية، بهدف فتح آفاق جديدة في السعي نحو تحديث الصين، وذلك بالتعريف بجهود المقاطعة في النهوض بـ “اقتصاد الزهور” وتعزيز السياحة الثقافية. بكين, […]
CGTN, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous-Miscellaneous, New Products/Services, Uncategorized
CGTN hat einen Artikel über die Inspektionsreise des chinesischen Präsidenten Xi Jinping in der südwestchinesischen Provinz Yunnan veröffentlicht. Der Artikel stellt die Bemühungen Yunnans vor, die „Blumenwirtschaft“ voranzutreiben und den Kulturtourismus zu fördern, und hebt die Bemühungen der Provinz hervor, eine qualitativ hochwertige ländliche Entwicklung im Einklang mit den lokalen Bedingungen voranzutreiben, mit dem Ziel, […]
CGTN, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous-Miscellaneous, New Products/Services, Uncategorized
CGTN publie un article sur la tournée d’inspection du Président chinois Xi Jinping dans la province du Yunnan, située dans le sud–ouest du pays. En présentant les efforts déployés par la province du Yunnan en vue de développer l’« économie florale » et de promouvoir le tourisme culturel, l’article met en lumière ses initiatives en faveur d’un développement […]
CGTN, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous-Miscellaneous, New Products/Services, Uncategorized
A CGTN publicou um artigo sobre a visita de inspeção do presidente chinês Xi Jinping na província de Yunnan, no sudoeste da China. Através da introdução dos esforços de Yunnan no avanço da “economia das flores” e na promoção do turismo cultural, o artigo destaca o impulso da província para um desenvolvimento rural de alta […]
Latest World News
Many glaciers in the world will not survive the 21st century, according to reports published by the United Nations. Five of the past six years have experienced the most rapid glacier retreat on record; 2022-24 was the largest three-year loss of glacier mass. Reports from the United Nations Water, United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural […]
eXp Realty, New Products/Services, Other Professional Services, Professional Services-Other Professional Services, Uncategorized
BELLINGHAM, Wash., March 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A eXp Realty®, a maior corretora mundial independente do mundo e a principal subsidiária da eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), anunciou hoje o lançamento no Peru, seu 25º mercado internacional, um passo que fortalece presença global e proporciona aos agentes imobiliários peruanos um caminho inovador para […]
eXp Realty, New Products/Services, Other Professional Services, Professional Services-Other Professional Services, Uncategorized
BELLINGHAM, Washington, 21 mars 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, la plus grande société de courtage immobilier indépendante au monde et filiale d’eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI), a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de ses activités au Pérou, son 25e marché international. La société renforce ainsi sa présence mondiale et offre aux agents immobiliers péruviens des […]
eXp Realty, New Products/Services, Other Professional Services, Professional Services-Other Professional Services, Uncategorized
BELLINGHAM, Washington, March 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, der weltweit größte unabhängige Immobilienmakler und eine Tochtergesellschaft von eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), hat heute die Einführung in Peru bekanntgegeben, seinem 25. internationalen Markt, und stärkt damit seine globale Präsenz und bietet peruanischen Immobilienmaklern einen bahnbrechenden Weg zu Erfolg, Vermögensaufbau und globaler Zusammenarbeit. […]
eXp Realty, New Products/Services, Other Professional Services, Professional Services-Other Professional Services, Uncategorized
BELLINGHAM, Wash., March 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, the world’s largest independent real estate brokerage and a subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), today announced its launch in Peru, its 25th international market, thereby strengthening its global presence and offering Peruvian real estate agents a groundbreaking path to success, wealth–building, and […]
Latest World News
Members of the Greater Kaziranga Land and Human Rights protection committee. Credit: Pranab Doyle By Aishwarya BajpaiNEW DELHI, Mar 21 2025 – While a local community prides itself on caring for a sensitive biodiverse region, and despite centuries-long stewardship of the Kaziranga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the authorities rebuff—sometimes aggressively—their attempts to remain involved. […]